Pam King Memorial Scholarship

Pam King was a beloved special education teacher, having taught over 34 years, including 17 years in the Marshfield R-I School District. Pam’s love for her students was evident to all who knew her. She wanted nothing more than for her students to find their passion in life, just as she had. To this end, her family has established the Pam King Memorial Scholarship to assist students who are served in the Marshfield R-I High School’s Special Education Department in pursuing post-secondary training or education. All students who have been served under an individual education plan (IEP) OR 504 accommodation plan, who will graduate from Marshfield R-I High School, and who plan to pursue ANY post-secondary training or education, whether that be part-time or full-time, are eligible to apply. The scholarship selection committee shall be comprised of the Marshfield R-I School Special Education Director, a Marshfield R-I High School Process Coordinator or Teacher, and a representative of the Marshfield Public Schools Foundation. Payment is made upon proof of enrollment, directly to the institution of choice. This scholarship is renewable, dependent on the availability of funds.